Department of Chemical Engineering, Tsinghua University

State Key laboratory of Chemical Engineering

Lu Group

2. Technician

Yuling Wu

2009- : Department of Chemical Engineering, Tsinghua University (Engineer)

2006-2009: Chinese Academy of Sciences (Researcher)

2003-2006: Chinese Academy of Sciences (MD)


Address: Room 670, Gongwu Building, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China

Project:Inorganic Functional Materials used for Energy and Chemical Industry
1. Synthesis of nano-structured iron phsophate material and its application in Li battery



2. Surface modification of gypsum materials for

  1. Wu Y., et al. A method of coating calcium carbonate on the surface of gypsum materials. Invent Patent (Chinese). Authorization number: ZL201310432799
  2. Wu Y, et al. Synthesis of Nano FePO4 and Electrochemical Characterization of Composite Cathode Material LiFePO4/C. Journal of Inorganic Material. 2012(27): 422-426